Winding down from a good weekend isn't always easy, especially when you get a cool sketch from a VERY cool artist like Jimmy (Young Avengers) Cheung!!

I was only there on the Saturday but had a great time with Jeremy, Waiton, Jared, Tina, and the DMC/Gotham gang, selling our new book 'New Ground #7' doing sketches and meeting some fantastic fans!!

I was having such a good day that I didn't even take many photo's but i did manage to get a couple with/of Princess Leia and Darth Vader.

Managed to do a few sketches and happliy sold my Hellboy one before realising I'd not taken a picture of it. Here's two I did near the end of the day. J. Scott Campbell's "Dangerl Girl" and Neil Gaiman's "Death".

I'd like to do a shout-out to Kim and her bro, the dude from the American Embassy in Welly (sorry man i forgot your name) and the guy from the Canberra comic shop! Very cool to meet you all!!