Monday, 6 February 2023

28 Days of Robin - Day 14 - Robin - The Toy Wonder


Day 14 - gives us Robin the Toy Wonder - Hey it was 1998 :D - it seemed like fun at the time and was part of the DC One Million event.

Back story on Robin- the Toy Wonder:

Robin the Toy Wonder is the Robin of the 853rd Century, the robot sidekick of Batman.

Batman's parents were guards on the prison planet of Pluto, but were killed in a prison riot that turned into a mass slaughter of the guards. Robin is programmed with the personality of this Batman as a boy. He was created as his conscience to remind him not to go too far in his cause for justice. The Toy Wonder believes this was the same reason the original Batman brought the first Robin into his life.


Enjoy the pictures!


Friday, 3 February 2023

28 Days of Robin - Day 13 - Harper Row - Bluebird


Day 13 brings us Harper Row, a character brought into the Scott Snyder Batman run and I think an awesome character and while not technically a 'Robin', she's definitely Robin-worthy!.

A bit of back story:

Harper Row, also known as Bluebird, is one of Batman's allies. She is gifted at electrical engineering. Harper progressed from a bat-tech support through the events of the Batman Eternal storyline to become Bluebird.

Enjoy the pictures!
