Friday, 27 September 2013

Coming home to Roost

Arkham City Comics M.A.D - Mini Art Day


Well it came and went so quick that i hardly had time to let you know about it but ere are some pics from the Akham City Comics Mini Art Day in conjunction with ChromaCon.

I had a great time and caught up with some of my art friends that i haven't seen in a while, met some new friends and  some wonderful customers too! Thanks to everyone who purchased some of my cards!

 I still have some cards for purchase so hit me up if you'd like some either leave me a message in the comments or email me.  $3 for one card, $5 for two cards or $10 for a set of 5. (Postage would be quoted per shipment)

Here are some pictures from the show:

Special thanks to Jeremy and Michel from Arkham City Comics ( for setting the show up!


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Flying to the Printers


Well my latest little creations have just flown to the printers and I hope to have them ready to run for Sunday.

My little kiwi fella is all coloured up and ready for his big reveal at the show, so come take a look and grab a couple of cards of 'Kamikaze Kiwi' and his mates 'Tornado Tui' and 'Ferocious Fantails'.

I'll be doing sketches (for a small fee) as well and will be at the Royal Oak mall at the M.A.D (Mini Art Display) at Arkham City Comics from 10:30am to about 1:30pm.


Monday, 16 September 2013

M.A.D = Mini Art Day - Sept 22nd

Hello, hello!

I'm attending an art show as an artist this weekend and here are the details. Come on down and say hi, pick up a sketch and some of the goodies I'll have on sale.

Arkham City Comics - Auckland & Chromacon Presents "Mini Art Day!" (MAD) 
Date: Sunday 22nd Sept 2013
Time: 10.30am – 4.30pm
Venue: Royal Oak Shopping Mall (Centre Court)
-       691 Manukau Rd, Royal Oak
Parking: Free

Look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Ruffled Feathers?


Who is this little fella and why's he under wraps?

You'll have to wait and see :)

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Birds of a Feather


It's been a while but it's going to be busy again soon. How any crazy bird sayings are there? Well I'm going to be running through a few over the next couple of weeks while I keep you updated on a little project I'm working on.

Here's the first teaser and there'll be more soon.

Plus I'm working on some surprises so stay tuned ;)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

A boy and his dinosaur


As a belated birthday card surprise for a certain dinosaur loving nephew, I wanted to create something fun and that included his interest in dinosaurs and one of his favourite comic book hero's 'SuperDinosaur'!

More cards coming soon :)

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Dr Sketchy - June Edition

Hi All,

So I've been going to DrSketchy's anti art class off and on and this time round it was themed "Adventure Time" (the cartoon TV series).

My drawings started off a bit rough but morphed into something much better later on, hopefully you can see these as they are pencil (and being able to cleanup sketc2 with ink. :)


Thursday, 30 May 2013

Long Service

I seem to have rather a collection from my time at WHK, so here is one to round it off though I do hope to do more for them in the future.

Before retiring Kaylene served at WHK for 40 odd years and I had the pleasure of being able to capture some of that life and character in this caricature.

There will be an update to this coming soon as I did something a little special to liven it up when I went back to print it on canvas.

For now, enjoy the long weekend wherever you are!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Caricature redo

One of the associate Principals - now a Principal I believe - (Amanda) asked me to redo her caricature with her current blonde hair colour. I redid it and am pretty happy with the results.
