Thursday, 22 December 2022

DTIYS - Draw this in your style (1 Million years later :D)


1 Million years - well okay two (at least)

I picked up this image through the talented kiwi artist Edmo Central and the source image from Sweeny Boo and wanted to put my spin on it. I started it two years ago and have finally finished playing with the idea, cleaned and coloured it up.

Sweeny Boo's original -

Edmo Central's version - - (careful some NSFW)



Friday, 23 September 2022

Do a Powerbomb - YEEHAH!

 Hi there!

I've been enjoying Daniel Warren Johnsons' larger than life wrestling comic "Do a Powerbomb"!  And with DWJ featuring fanart in the issues I had the inspiration to put (watercolour) pencils and inks to paper and whiz up this piece, this is the main character is Lona Steelrose.

It was a lot of fun and came out just as I wanted it too, i.e. not looking too much like coloured pencils and more like watercolour and am happy with the results, I've submitted it and have fingers crossed it may find its way into the comic, though we shall see :)

I hope you enjoy the progress shots, the DLPW (Death Lyfe Pro Wrestling) belt was a bit of work with the emblem design, though satisfying to complete!

Do a Powerbomb also reminds me of the awesome NZ artist Michel Mulipola's Headlocked, which you should check out too!



#DanielWarrenJohnson #DoaPowerbomb #ImageComics #BloodySamoan #MichelMulipola #HotRob #RobinHotter #FanArt

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Slash - Guitarist from another angle


I had some inspiration the other day from the talented Ryan Scott Illustration where he drew a very cool and fun perspective view of entertainer and icon Willie Nelson.

Drawing on this inspiration - and the fact that Slash's new album '4' featuring Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators was all over my social media - well I had to take his Willie and go for a Slash.

Jokes aside the artist journey was really fun, mixing the pencils, inks, coloured pencils and computer colours and effects, along with leaving that rawness of the pencils in there, here is a artistic journey from inspiration to finished piece.

I hope you enjoy and please check out Ryan's work on face book and his website WWW.RYANSCOTTDRAWS.COM



Tuesday, 15 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 12 - Nightwing (Red Costume)


Day 12 brings us a Nightwing costume with red highlights.

"The red is believed to be a nod to the Bat Family, as most members of the Bat Family have used red in their costume in some way. His use of red is believed to symbolize his reunification with his mentor, his reconciliation with his past, and his willingness to be included as a member of the Bat Family."

from 10 Things about Nightwing

Seems a bit deep but hey there's gotta be some reasoning behind it right?



Saturday, 12 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 11 - Apparently NOT Robin - Heretic


A character from the DC Comics New 52 (confusing ass) Teen Titans Futures End story, that I thought was a Robin (potentially Tim Drake) but not, accordingly to my recent checks, ah well. (I also thought his hands were gloved, lol!)

He's Day 11 and that's that :D



28 Days of Robin - Day10 - Angry Birds Robin + more


Angry Birds is such a great little mobile game, so much fun poinging crazy birds against the pigs and destroying their constructions, ooh and the Star Wars version with the whip of gravity round planets - extra fun!!

Probably the same amount of fun I had creating this little guy and then going a bit nuts with variants, finding more as I went though I had to stop sometime as I'd not get onto the next Robin :D

So for this Robin we have:
Robin Red Breast - like the UK version of the bird

Toutouwai - NZ Robin - like the NZ bird :)

The original sketch: Red Robin - like the Rovio bird Red



Friday, 11 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 9 - Carrie Kelly Robin


From the Dark Knight Returns series by Frank Miller - Carrie Kelly - I think was the first female Robin I came across and thought it was pretty cool that there was a female Robin. 

Think I'll have to go back and re-read the series again :)

It's really enjoyable to see the difference in the finished version of the Carrie Kelly Robin!



Wednesday, 9 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 8 - BlokHedz Robin - Tim Drake


Blokhedz came out at Z Energy service stations in 2014 and I don't believe they ever had a Robin Blokhedz, so, I created my own - Tim Drake version :)

Pretty stoked with how well he turned out



28 Days of Robin - Day 7 - Jason Todd - Red Hood


Jason Todd was not really a character I was familiar with till Red Hood came around, so I figure he still deserves a spot in the count of days,

So here he is as Red Hood. Quite a difference from the initial version (and I managed to put his second elbow in this time round :D), cool action pose I think!



Monday, 7 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 6 - Damian Wayne


I will admit, not one of my favourite characters to start with but he's grown on me a bit and the launch of his solo series is a good fun read.

In this image, I'd gone with what I felt was a spoilt brat pose, but ended up kinda liking it. A fair bit of difference between the first image and the new tidied up one.



Sunday, 6 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 5 - Lego Robin - Tim Drake

Tim Drake Robin with his bo staff in Lego form and as an added bonus, with yellow head and limbs - like real Lego haha!

Didn't get far with this version originally but nice to have him rounded out and coloured up this time round.




Saturday, 5 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 4 - The Flying Grayson

The original Robin - Dick Grayson - flying high with the greatest of ease, above the crowd on his acrobats trapeze!


Friday, 4 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 3 - Stephanie Brown

 Stephanie Brown a.k.a Spoiler had (an all too brief in my opinion) run as Robin, though she did go on to become Batgirl and is now again in a Batgirls comic with Cassandra Cain (yippee!).

In 2015 I didn't quite get there with colouring her and so am quite pleased with the completed 2022 version, much more elegant!

Link to original post



Thursday, 3 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 2 - Teen Titans GO!

 Teen Titans Go! Robin - Some rendering changes and highlights ready bring a better sense of depth to the image, fun!

Love his Sonic the Hedgehog style hair, haha! :)


Wednesday, 2 February 2022

28 Days of Robin - Day 1 - Hanna-Barbera Style

Day 1 - Six years ago I attempted a daily draw of Robin's for a artistic challenge to complete a fully coloured rendering of a Robin character (existing or made-up) and while I managed sketch out most days in the month, there were not quite complete.

So I thought I'd give it another bash this year, to tidy them up and so of course missed the first day completely, not a great start!

This was a Robin design in a Hanna-Barbera cartoon style (if I can find the original page there's some additional similar HB style sketches) and so was quite a fun first Robin.

Anyhoo I thought I'd post both the original state 2015 and the complete state 2022 for comparison. So here we go!

Link to original 2015 post

